Avonline Uptime

This is a monthly summary of uptime on the Avonline/Tooway Satellite broadband connection, as measured by RIPE Atlas probes installed on site.

Period Total Connected Time Total Disconnected time Total Availability Cumulative Mean (mean of means) Probe ID
September 11 2013 to December 31 2013 101d 17h 29m 9d 16h 45m 91.30% 91.30% 232/10460
January 2014 30d 7h 6m 0d 16h 53m 97.73% 94.51% 10460
February 2014 27d 20h 29m 0d 3h 30m 99.48% 96.17% 10460
March 2014 30d 19h 4m 0d 4h 55m 99.34% 96.96% 10460
April 2014 29d 16h 30m 0d 7h 29m 98.96% 97.36% 10460
May 2014 30d 21h 13m 0d 2h 46m 99.63% 97.74% 10460
June 2014 29d 19h 52m 0d 4h 7m 99.43% 97.98% 10460

It’s fairly obvious from this that, after a very poor start from the point at which the system was installed on 11 September 2013, there’s been a rising trend of service availability, which is definitely very welcome. Details of actual throughput achieved at various points is here.


  1. Figures shown purely relate to uptime of the satellite connection (the route automatically fails over to terrestrial broadband when the satellite link is lost).
  2. For dates in 2013, this does understate availability of the satellite connection as the router used was not good at reverting to the satellite connection once it came back up – this had to be done manually.



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