This is a monthly summary of uptime on the Avonline/Tooway Satellite broadband connection, as measured by RIPE Atlas probes installed on site.
Period | Total Connected Time | Total Disconnected time | Total Availability | Cumulative Mean (mean of means) | Probe ID |
September 11 2013 to December 31 2013 | 101d 17h 29m | 9d 16h 45m | 91.30% | 91.30% | 232/10460 |
January 2014 | 30d 7h 6m | 0d 16h 53m | 97.73% | 94.51% | 10460 |
February 2014 | 27d 20h 29m | 0d 3h 30m | 99.48% | 96.17% | 10460 |
March 2014 | 30d 19h 4m | 0d 4h 55m | 99.34% | 96.96% | 10460 |
April 2014 | 29d 16h 30m | 0d 7h 29m | 98.96% | 97.36% | 10460 |
May 2014 | 30d 21h 13m | 0d 2h 46m | 99.63% | 97.74% | 10460 |
June 2014 | 29d 19h 52m | 0d 4h 7m | 99.43% | 97.98% | 10460 |
It’s fairly obvious from this that, after a very poor start from the point at which the system was installed on 11 September 2013, there’s been a rising trend of service availability, which is definitely very welcome. Details of actual throughput achieved at various points is here.
- Figures shown purely relate to uptime of the satellite connection (the route automatically fails over to terrestrial broadband when the satellite link is lost).
- For dates in 2013, this does understate availability of the satellite connection as the router used was not good at reverting to the satellite connection once it came back up – this had to be done manually.